It all started with a song.
Barbi and Terry Franklin were asked to sing at a friend’s wedding reception. That simple invitation began opening doors all over the world. Since 1985 they have ministered with the theme, “Inspiring Love in the Home & Revival in the Church” through their family Worship and Prayer Events and Marriage Retreats. These have taken them all across the U.S. and 40 countries worldwide.
Barbi and Terry possess a burning desire to see God bring revival in the Church – a revolution of repentance – starting inside our hearts and homes. Many pastors have praised Barbi and Terry’s Worship and Prayer Events for having ignited a fresh commitment to passionate prayer, more vibrant worship, and a greater hunger for God and His Word. Even in their Marriage Retreats, they emphasize a vibrant, growing relationship with God and the need for couples to learn to pray together. They have ministered in over 7,000 churches, camps and Bible conferences, produced 14 Music CDs, authored a book designed as a prayer devotional for couples, and produced 2 video teaching series for marriages, families, and revival.
As songwriters, they have had noteworthy success. Artists across a wide range, from The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir to the Gaithers, have recorded their songs. They have won Dove Awards and had multiple award nominations and charting songs. But these accolades mean far less to them than the revived lives and healed marriages they have seen through the years as God has used them.
In addition to their singing, Terry plays keyboard and Barbi is a gifted violinist. She has recorded two “Violin Worship” CDs that have been downloaded and streamed by thousands of people all over the world. Both come from music ministry backgrounds. Terry sang with various groups, including the Gaither Vocal Band and Bill Gaither Trio from 1992-94. His father, Bob Franklin, sang in the award-winning Barbershop Quartet, The Suntones. Barbi grew up singing with her family, The Murk Family, and were featured in many of the largest churches in America. They also sang in some of Billy Graham’s Crusades in the 1970’s.
Through the years, Barbi and Terry have ministered with many well-known Christian leaders and artists such as Billy Graham, Jim Cymbala and The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, Focus on the Family, Coach Bill McCartney and Promise Keepers, Adrian Rogers, Jack Hayford, Steve & Annie Chapman, Bill & Gloria Gaither, David Jeremiah, Kay Arthur, Gary Smalley, Tim Wildmon and The American Family Association, and many others.
In 2011, they saw nationwide revival first-hand in Egypt, birthed by believer’s passionate and unified worship, fasting and prayer… This God-ordained outpouring has since touched millions of lives across all of the Middle East. They asked, “Lord, why can’t this happen in the United States?” They put feet to their prayers and began initiating fasting, prayer and worship everywhere God opened doors. They led “Awaken Us: 40 Days to Fast & Pray,” a fasting and prayer initiative promoted by the American Family Radio Network, at the end of 2011. Nearly 500 churches and well over 30,000 people participated across 40+ states in America.
Aside from their international and nationwide ministry outreaches, they have also been deeply burdened for their own city of Nashville, Tennessee and the surrounding region. Many years ago they began to spiritually “rename” their city, “Worship City”, along with those who had the same heart for Nashville. Following the Lord’s direction they began a weekly home worship and prayer meeting that has since become a location where Nashville area worship and prayer leaders meet frequently to pray and seek God for their city. The theme of Worship City is “Changing our City to Change the World through Fasting, Prayer and Worship.” (See www.WorshipCity.US to learn more about their local ministry efforts in Tennessee.)
Barbi & Terry have 2 sons, Tyler & Travis, that are both married to wonderful women. They make their home in Nashville, Tennessee.
Love Sings and Worship City are sister ministries and both are Trademarks of Franklin Ministries, Inc., a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.