Awaken Us
This album has 15 powerful songs of mostly original songs to inspire prayer and worship, encourage awakening in the Body of Christ, with a call to repentance according to 2 Chronicles 7:14, a well-known promise to the Church to cry out to God in humility that will bring revival and healing in our “land.”
This album has 15 powerful songs of mostly original songs to inspire prayer and worship, encourage awakening in the Body of Christ, with a call to repentance according to 2 Chronicles 7:14, a well-known promise to the Church to cry out to God in humility that will bring revival and healing in our “land.”

This album has 15 powerful songs of mostly original songs to inspire prayer and worship, encourage awakening in the Body of Christ, with a call to repentance according to 2 Chronicles 7:14, a well-known promise to the Church to cry out to God in humility that will bring revival and healing in our “land.”
Heal This Land We Love
Dance In The Rain
Awaken Us
Oh Breath Of Heaven
Pour Out Your Heart
Fan The Flame
He Saw Beyond His Sacrifice
For God So Loved
The Veil Was Torn
All Of You
When Revival Comes
Let Your Glory Fall
Holy, Lord Almighty
Any Crown I Receive
Holy, Holy, Holy